Help with pests

Published: Friday 28 June 2024

This is a generic image of a wasps nest

During the summer months, pest control issues, particularly wasps, become more common.

If you report a pest control issue, the council’s contractor, Excel Environmental, will normally visit your home the next working day, between 8am and 4.30pm.  Unfortunately, you cannot request specific dates and times for Excel Environmental to visit.

If the pest issue is inside your home, you must ensure you are available between these times to allow the inspection to go ahead. If you miss the visit the council will incur unnecessary costs.

The only time you do not have to be present is if the issue is outside the property, such as a wasp nest.

High volumes of requests between April and September can mean that visits may be later in the day.  During these times, if you have not been visited by 4.30pm, please do not call for an update as the contractor will work on until all scheduled jobs for that day are complete.

If you report an issue with rats or mice, the contractor will visit weekly until the issue is resolved.